Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear?

Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear? was a favorite book of my children, as I am sure it was and is for many other children.
It's one of the beloved books used in the Five in a Row curriculum we used while homeschooling. I also used it some for the little boy I used to babysit, as well as occasionally with my grandson.
When you read the book, it's fun to have the child count things through the book, such as flowers, or balls, etc. Talk about the weather, and the proper type of clothing for each kind of weather. Talk about healthy food choices. So many other fun activities you can discuss based on this story!
Have you read any of the Jesse Bear books to your children or grandchildren?
I don't have kids but I don't think we read this with my niece or nephew either. It sounds like a cute book and I love it when a book gives you lots of topics to talk about.