Family Journal from Byron's Games {Homeschool Review Crew}
***Disclosure: I received this product free through the Homeschool Review Crew***
Byron's Games is one of those vendors I had never heard of before, even though the Crew has reviewed for them in the past. We were mildly curious to see what they have to offer. The Crew was offered a choice between The Family Journal or Maestro Mastery- Explore the Composers. We received The Family Journal.
When Byron was only 6 years old, he had a lengthy stay in a children's hospital. While there, he received the inspiration to create his first game. A portion of Bryan's Games profits benefit select children's charities.
The Family Journal is a hardbound book with a lovely navy blue cover. It contains pages for yearly, monthly and weekly planning. Also provided are pages for setting yearly, monthly and weekly goals, as a family and for each individual family member. I like that there are 3 ribbon bookmarks, which makes it easier to keep track of where you are in the book.
One of the first things you will do will be to work on a Family Mission Statement. Early in our homeschool journey we composed one, but that was way back when my children were young. Now they are all grown up. All I can say is, enjoy them while they are young, even on the hard, challenging days! <grin>
The Family Journal creates a climate for closeness with:
Weekly, Monthly and Yearly Family and Individual Goals
Deep Discussion Prompts
Influential Quotes for Reflection
Fun Family Activities
Guided Family Meetings
and more!
The pages for creating the Family Mission Statement come first, followed by pages for the Family Yearly Goals. After that is the section for the Family Monthly Planning.
The Monthly Planning section consist of a blank month grid, monthly challenge, family goals, individual goals, tasks, and monthly review pages for family and individual goals.
This is followed by the section for the Family Weekly Meetings. This provides talking points, a place to list things for which your family is grateful, discussing progress on goals, and connection activities. This is where it can get fun! Some of the suggested Connection Activities include creating a family portrait, creating your family tree, plan a family outing such as skating together, or make a scrapbook.
Obviously we are not even close to being a conventional household at this time. Currently my 27-year-old daughter, 18-year-old son and I live together (around the corner from my folks). All three of us have jobs, which makes academics for my youngest (who has special needs), and time together for all three of us, a major challenge. All three of us have Friday and Sabbath off, so we attempted to meet together to work in the Family Journal either Friday evenings or Sabbath afternoons.
I think this would make a perfect gift for the family of the little boy I babysit, because they are becoming a new, blended family next month! What a wonderful resource for them to use from the very beginning while creating a new family.
The Review Crew reviewed The Family Journal, and Maestro Mastery--Explore the Composers. You'll want to hear what my Crew mates have to say about both of these. Simply click the banner below.
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