New Year, New Beginnings, and My Word for 2021

Greetings! Happy New Year! I don't know about you, but I am relieved that 2020 is finished, and behind us. But I will have to admit, I am not completely optimistic that 2021 will be much better.

In past years, I have chosen a word and a verse to go with that word. It's been a couple years since I've done that, because 2018 I was sent into a deep, dark hole of depression. Some days, I still feel on the brink of that hole, but I am going to attempt to be more present this year.
Habakkuk 3:17-19 has been a favorite passage for a number of years, but 2020 brought it more into focus for me. It is the passage I am choosing for "mine" for 2021. I am still trying to decide between REJOICE and JOY for my word for the year.

Bible passages and Words of the year from the past:

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  1. Whether you pick rejoice or joy, either one is a good choice. I'd like to find joy continuously in the new year. Like you, I am not sure if it will be much different than 2020 but we just don't know.


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