Don’t Starve Your Soul! {a devotional}
the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts
of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh
unfruitful. Mark 4:19.
must beware that we do not become overburdened even with what seem the
necessary cares of life, so that we are unable to do the most essential
work.... The largest share of the thoughts and the busy activities that
engage hands and hearts, are given to selfish, personal, earthly
interests. These are allowed to become so engrossing as to prevent
attention to the things of eternity. The soul is left to starve for want
of nourishment. Mind and body become worn out by protracted hours of
application to worldly things. This is just as Satan designed it should
be. All the freshness and vigor of the mind, all the keen thought, is
given to the world, and God has the feeble, distracted thought, the
fruit of a wearied and worried mind. The things of the highest
consequence, which pertain to the eternal peace, are made subordinate to
the common concerns of life, and God is robbed every day of service
which would strengthen spirituality, lifting the thoughts heavenward,
and bringing the soul into communion with God and holy angels.
are not to allow the things of this world so to absorb the attention
that mind and body are completely engrossed. Thus those around us are
robbed of the kindly words and deeds that would help them in the upward
way. The channel of light is clogged with worldly matters. The grace
that Christ is longing to impart, He cannot bestow. Many are coming to
have less and less strength to impart to others, because they do not
receive power from the Source of all power. God calls upon them to
separate from the things which corrode the mind and spoil the religious
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