The Charm of Simplicity {a devotional}
all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the
eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 1 John 2:16.
of dress is not a small matter, but a serious evil. It causes time,
thought, and money to be spent in the decoration of the body, while the
culture of the heavenly graces is neglected. Precious hours that our
Saviour has exhorted us to devote to prayer and the study of the
Scriptures are given to an unnecessary preparation of apparel for
outward display.
stands in the background, devising the fashions which lead to
extravagance in the outlay of means. In forming the fashions of the day,
he has a fixed purpose. He knows that time and money which are devoted
to meet the demands of fashion will not be used for higher, holier
objects. Precious time is wasted in keeping pace with ever-changing and
never-satisfying fashions. No sooner is one style introduced than new
styles are devised, and then, in order for fashionable persons to remain
fashionable, the dress must be remodeled. Thus professing Christians,
with divided hearts, waste their time, giving to the world nearly all
their energies....
taste in dress is not to be despised or condemned.... Nothing is gained
in trying to save means by purchasing cheap fabrics. Let the clothing
be plain and neat, without extravagance or display.
ladies who break away from slavery to fashion will be ornaments in
society. The one who is simple and unpretending in her dress and in her
manners shows that she understands that a true lady is characterized by
moral worth. How charming, how interesting, is simplicity in dress,
which in its comeliness can be compared with the flowers of the field!
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