A Strong Fortress of Truth {a devotional}
whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this
mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Colossians 1:27.
have a continual longing for Christ to be formed within, the hope of
glory. I long to be beautified every day with the meekness and
gentleness of Christ, growing in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus
Christ up to the full stature of men and women in Christ Jesus. I must
as an individual, through the grace given me of Jesus Christ, keep my
own soul in health by keeping it as a divine channel through which His
grace, His love, His patience, His meekness, shall flow to the world.
This is my duty and no less the duty of every church member who claims
to be a son or a daughter of God.
Lord Jesus has made His church the depositary of sacred truth. He has
left with her the work of carrying out His purposes and His plans to
save the souls for whom He has manifested such interest, such unmeasured
love. Like the sun in relation to our world, He rises amid the moral
darkness—the Sun of Righteousness. He said of Himself, “I am the light
of the world.” John 8:12. He said to his followers, “Ye are the light of the world.” Matthew 5:14....
By reflecting the image of Jesus Christ, by the beauty and holiness of
their characters, by their continual self-denial and their separation
from all idols, large or small, they reveal that they have learned in
the school of Christ. They are continually catching the spirit of love
and forbearance, meekness, and gentleness, and they stand as
representatives of Christ, a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to
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