Studying the Character of Christ {a devotional}
Then shall I not be ashamed, when I have respect unto thy commandments. Psalm 119:6.
this world we might become hopelessly perplexed, as the devil wants us
to be, if we keep looking upon those things that are perplexing; for by
dwelling upon them, and talking of them, we become discouraged. In
criticizing others because they fail to manifest love, we shall kill the
precious plant of love in our own hearts. Have we individually
appreciated and felt the warmth of love which Christ represented in His
life? Then it is our duty to manifest this love to the world. Let us
fear to dwell upon, to behold and talk of the great mistakes that others
are making....
may create an unreal world in your own mind and picture an ideal
church, where the temptations of Satan no longer prompt to evil; but
perfection exists only in your imagination. The world is a fallen world,
and the church is a place represented by a field in which grow tares
and wheat. They are to grow together until the harvest. It is not our
place to uproot the tares, according to human wisdom, lest under the
suggestions of Satan, the wheat may be rooted up....
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