Easy Grammar Systems {Homeschool Review Crew}
While the language arts have always been my easiest subject, they aren't necessarily that easy for some of my children--especially my youngest, who's always been a numbers guy. So grammar is one of his weak subjects. I am thankful for any curriculum I can find which will help him master these skills.
That's where Easy Grammar Systems come in. The past few weeks SJ has been using Easy Grammar Ultimate Series Grade 9.
What did we receive?
We received the Teacher's Edition of Easy Grammar Ultimate Series Grade 9, as well as the grade 9 test booklet. The teacher's edition includes a scope and sequence at the beginning of the book, 180 daily teaching lessons which are reproducible for student use, and the answers at the back of the book.
You can either photo copy the lessons, so you have the book available for your younger children when they reach grade 9, or you can purchase a separate workbook, or, as in our case, your student can write right in this book. SJ is my youngest; I won't need any more copies.
Each lesson follows the same format, and is designed to be completed in about 10 minutes a day.
First segment is capitalization. Instructions are given by sharing the rule of focus for that day, then a couple problems for practice.
Next is punctuation, with an assignment for practice of that rule. There is space to rewrite the sentence, or they could just add in the punctuation on what's printed in the book.
The next segment covers parts of speech, focusing on just one or two each day, and again, practice problems for your student to complete.
The next discussion is about phrases and/or clauses, such as prepositional phrases. This section, along with the parts of speech, involve teaching, review, and application of grammar and other concepts.
Finally is a problem for sentence combining. These provide excellent practice for you student in combining sentences, using proper sentence structure and punctuation.
How we used it
As I mentioned earlier, since SJ is my final student, I did not photo copy the pages. Even though we could've torn out the pages, I chose to keep them in the book. I place a paper clip as a bookmark on the page he was supposed to work on that day.
I like how my online homeschool planner offers premade lesson plans for purchase, which you can then just plug into the planner! Yes, I purchased the plans for the Easy Grammar Ultimate Grade 9 plans! He is scheduled to do one lesson a day, Monday through Friday.
What we thought of it
I like how portable this program is. We can take the book with us when I take SJ with me to my babysitting job (oh, yes! nothing like a 17-month-old's help with schoolwork! <grin>), or he can take it over to my folks' when he goes over to keep Grandma company while Grandpa is gone for dialysis (three mornings a week).
Easy Grammar 1
Easy Grammar 3
Daily Grams Grade 3
Easy Grammar Plus
Daily Grams Grade 7
Easy Grammar Ultimate: Grade 9
Easy Grammar Ultimate: Grade 11
You will want to check out the rest of the reviews, to see what my Crew mates have to say about these other products as well. Simply click the graphic below.
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