BetterRhetor College-Ready Writing Essentials™ {Homeschool Review Crew}
Do you have a high school junior or senior? Or a recent high school graduate, heading into college? You will definitely want to check out College-Ready Writing Essentials™ from BetterRhetor.
A majority of students entering college are not prepared with college level writing skills. College-Ready Writing Essentials™ was developed by William Bryant, PhD, who spent ten years in test development at ACT, including as Director of Writing Assessments.College-Ready Writing Essentials™ is a self-guided, online resource, which is available in two packages, either Full or Premium. The main difference between the two packages is the personal feedback Dr. Bryant provides with the premium package. We received the Full package. CRWE was originally designed as a 25 lesson/five week program, but families at home can go through it at their own speed.
The course is designed to help your student develop a college-level essay, following the instructions and steps throughout the course:
- Planning
- Drafting
- Revising
- Finalizing
Your student will select a topic, learn how to research, define an issue, take a position on that topic, and create an outline for his/her essay. Then, of course, he will draft his essay, revise it as many times as necessary, and finalize the draft.
One thing I found interesting is it is stressed that opinions aren't worth much in college, whereas strong, well-reasoned, well-supported arguments are the lifeblood of the college academic culture.
At the end of each lesson is a word document to download. You can then either fill it in digitally, or print it off and fill it in by hand. Actually there is one for students with the Full program and another for those with the Premium program.
When I was offered the opportunity to review College-Ready Writing Essentials™, I asked for my 26 year old daughter's input, to see if she would be interested in working on this. She said yes, but as it turned out, her work schedule just didn't offer enough time to attempt this. I am hoping, though, that since we have lifetime access, perhaps she will be able to take the time later, when she is actually ready to begin some college classes.
While my youngest son is not ready yet for something this intense, maybe in a couple years, when he's finishing up high school, it won't be too far beyond his ability. I do wish I had had access to this a couple years ago, for my middle son, who is now taking college classes himself. But he's in Texas, with my brother and his family, so he can't have access to our package.
Several other families reviewed College-Ready Writing Essentials™, so be sure to read the other reviews. Simply click on the banner below to find their reviews.
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