Big Little Things {a devotional}
Take us the foxes, the little foxes,
that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes. Song of
Solomon 2:15.
God requires us to be right in
important matters, while He tells us that faithfulness in little
things will fit us for higher positions of trust....
The good qualities which many possess
are hidden, and instead of attracting souls to Christ they repulse
them. If these persons could see the influence of their uncourteous
ways and unkind expressions upon unbelievers, and how offensive is
such conduct in the sight of God, they would reform their habits, for
a lack of courtesy is one of the greatest stumbling blocks to
sinners. Selfish, complaining, sour Christians bar the way, so that
sinners do not care to approach Christ.
Could we look beneath the surface of
things, we should see that half life’s misery is created by frowns
and unkind speeches, which might be prevented as well as not. Many
make a hell upon earth for themselves and for those whom they might
comfort and bless. These are not worthy of the Christian name....
Some persons speak in a harsh,
uncourteous manner, that wounds the feeling of others, and then they
justify themselves by saying, “It is my way; I always tell just
what I think”; and they exalt this wicked trait of character as a
virtue. Their uncourteous deportment should be firmly rebuked.
That unkind word should be left
unspoken, that selfish disregard for the happiness of others should
give place to sympathy and thoughtfulness. True courtesy, blended
with truth and justice, will make the life not only useful, but
Integrity, justice, and Christian
kindness, blended, make a beautiful combination. Courtesy is one of
the graces of the Spirit. It is an attribute of heaven. The angels
never fly into a passion, never are envious, selfish, and jealous. No
harsh or unkind words escape their lips. And if we are to be the
companions of angels, we too must be refined and courteous. ~Our High Calling, by E.G. White
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This is full of much beauty, words matter!